


Absolom, K. Educating patients in the use of PROMs in clinical practice: Experiences from the adult cancer setting. 20th October 2023. ISOQOL conference, Calgary.

Nicklin, E. and Iyizoba, Z. ROC-oN: Radiotherapy for Oropharyngeal Cancer and impact on Neurocognition. 23 March 2023. British Psychosocial Oncology Society, Cambridge, UK.

Velikova, G. Implementation of online symptom monitoring using Patient Reported Outcomes (PROs) in lung cancer patients in a single NHS centre in United Kingdom. 20th October 2023. ISOQOL conference, Calgary.


Nicklin, E (invited speaker). Survivorship in Paediatric brain tumours. 17 September 2022. Conference of the European Association of Neuro-Oncology, Vienna, Austria.

Nicklin, E (invited speaker). Stakeholder engagement: working together towards better support for carers. 15 September 2022. Conference of the European Association of Neuro-Oncology, Vienna, Austria.

Nicklin E (invited speaker), Velikova G and Boele FW. (June 2022) The Unmet Supportive Care Needs of TYA Brain Tumour Survivors and their Caregivers. Children’s Cancer and Leukemia Group (CCLG) Late Effects Virtual Meeting, Online.

Velikova G. 17th November 2022. Real-time monitoring with electronic patient-reported outcomes: The role for long term toxicity? 13th European Breast Cancer Conference (EBCC-13) in Barcelona.

Velikova G & Absolom K. 11th November 2022. Challenges in routine PROMs collection: Using EQ-5D and PROMs for prediction; survival and beyond. University of Leeds.

Velikova G. 21st October 2022. Implementation of online monitoring using Patient Reported Outcomes (PROs) with severity tailored advice for metastatic breast cancer patients. ISOQOL conference in Prague.

Velikova G. 3rd May 2022. Online symptom monitoring and implementation into the ER. ESMO Breast Congress in Berlin.

Velikova G. 3rd May 2022. How to use PRO data in clinical settings. ESMO Breast 2022 Congress in Berlin.

Velikova G. 25th March 2022. eRAPID and implementation of cancer PROMs. Scottish Cancer PROMS forum meeting.

Wojcik Z, Velikova G, Absolom K, Dimitrov V. 23rd June 2022. Predictors of Adjuvant Chemotherapy Toxicity and Hospital Admissions in Patients with early Breast and Colorectal Cancer, using Quality of Life and Patient-reported Outcome Measures. UKRI CDT in AI for Medical Diagnosis and Care Conference.


Velikova G. 5th February 2021. “eHealth interventions during cancer treatment: Evaluation of eRAPID (electronic patient self-Reporting of Adverse-events: Patient Information & aDvice)”. The Virtual Internal Medicine and Cancer Survivorship Grand Rounds, MD Anderson.

Velikova G, (October 2021). PROM data visualization in the clinical setting: what do clinicians need to see? Real World Applications. 28th ISOQOL Annual Conference, virtual.

Velikova G, Dawkins B, Hulme C, Absolom K, Warrington L, Hewison J, et al., (October 2021). Cost-effectiveness of eRAPID eHealth intervention for symptom management during chemotherapy. 28th ISOQOL Annual Conference, virtual.

Velikova G, Dawkins B, Hulme C, Absolom K, Warrington L, Hewison J, et al. (November 2021). Cost-effectiveness of eRAPID eHealth intervention for symptom management during chemotherapy. NCRI Festival, virtual.

Velikova G, Pompili C, Hulme C, Absolom K, Warrington L, Hewison J, et al., (November 2021). Collecting, analysing and interpreting Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs). CardioThoracic Surgeons Conference, virtual.


Bragg H, Ledger A, Boele F, Absolom K (September 2020). Investigating the influence of the Extended Student-Led Research or Evaluation Project (ESREP) on medical students’ attitudes towards research and academic careers. 2020 Clinical Education Network Inaugural Symposium, Leeds, UK.

Henry A; Holch P; Routledge J; Absolom K; Walker K; Gibson A; Carter R; Brown J; Velikova G (2020) Pilot Randomized Trial of Online Self-Monitoring of Symptoms During Pelvic Radiotherapy Global Oncology: The ASTRO Annual Meeting. Online

Holch T. 27th February 2020. “A pilot randomised trial of online self-monitoring of adverse events during pelvic radiotherapy using eRAPID (electronic patient self-Reporting of Adverse-events: Patient Information and aDvice)”. British Psychosocial Oncology Society Conference, Edinburgh.

Kane, K; Kennedy F; Absolom K; Harley C and Velikova G. 27th February 2020. “Tailoring an online intervention to the supportive needs of women living with secondary breast cancer: Translation of qualitative research through expert consensus”. British Psychosocial Oncology Society Conference, Edinburgh.

Velikova, G. 29th May 2020. Phase III randomized controlled trial of eRAPID (electronic patient self-Reporting of Adverse-events: Patient Information and advice)—An eHealth intervention during chemotherapy. American Society of Clinical Oncology Virtual conference May 2020 (originally planned to be held in Chicago)

Velikova G. 21st October 2020. Phase III randomised controlled trial of eRAPID (electronic patient self-Reporting of Adverse-events: Patient Information and advice)—An eHealth intervention during chemotherapy. Virtual ISOQOL 27th Annual Conference (originally to be held in USA)

Velikova G. 20th November 2020. Local/national ePRO implementation in oncology (UK). Virtual Renal ePRO Summit (originally Birmingham)


Absolom K. 19th October 2019. Patient engagement with online symptom reports during chemotherapy (eRAPID)-The importance of clinician use of data. ISOQOL conference, San Diego, USA.

Boele F. Interventions for symptom management and improving quality of life – what is the state of the evidence? Oral presentation during the Educational Day for Nurses & AHPs, European Association for Neuro-Oncology conference, Lyon, France, 19-22 September 2019.

Boele FW, Jansen F, Meads D, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Heimans JJ, Reijneveld JC, Short SC, Klein M (September 2019). Healthcare utilization, medication use, and productivity loss in glioma patients with depressive symptoms and their family caregivers. Conference of the European Association of Neuro-Oncology, Lyon, France.

Kennedy F; Shearsmith L; Gordon K; Croft J; Danson S; Brown J; Velikova G. Patient, clinicians and trial staff views on the collection of patient-reported adverse events (AEs) in Early Phase Clinical Trials (EPCT): Phase 1 of the ePRIME study (electronic Patient self-Reported outcomes to Improve cancer Management and patient Experiences) , The British Psychosocial Oncology Society Annual Conference, pp. 5-5, Chester, UK.

Kennedy F. June 2019.  A Delphi consultation informing the development of a community-based follow-up intervention for ovarian cancer patients PROMs conference, Leeds.

Kennedy F; Shearsmith L; Bradley C; Hoffman U; Jackson D; Lee D; Hall G; Brown J; Velikova G. electronic Patient self-Reported outcomes to Improve cancer Management and patient Experiences (ePRIME)-A Delphi consultation informing the development of a community-based follow-up intervention for ovarian cancer patients. British Psychosocial Oncology Society Annual Conference, Chester, UK, pp. 20-20.

Oort Q , Dirven L, Boele F, Grant R, Sato H, Talacchi A, Young T,Reijneveld JC, Taphoorn MJB, & IADL collaborators on behalf of the EORTC Quality of Life group (September 2019). Development of an EORTC questionnaire measuring instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) in patients with brain tumours: phase I-III. Conference of the European Association of Neuro-Oncology, Lyon, France.

Sherwood P, Donovan H, Terhorst L, Boele F, Weimer J, & Drappatz J (April 2019). Smartcare: Innovations in caregiver interventions. Oral presentation during symposium ‘Advances in technology-delivered multi-symptom self-management interventions’. Congress of the Oncology Nursing Society, Anaheim CA, United States.

Velikova G. 17th October 2019. Web-based system to monitor cancer patients’ physical symptoms during active treatment (eRAPID). Psychosocial Oncology Symposium, Leeds.

Velikova G. 19th September 2019. The increasing role of Patient Reported Outcomes in cancer care: From clinical trials to patient support and care quality measures. Sydney Catalyst International Translational Cancer Research Symposium, Sydney.

Velikova G. 19th September 2019. How to use Patient Reported Outcomes (PROs) data in your practice with individual patients: Challenges and benefits from a clinician perspective. In: Sydney Catalyst International Translational Cancer Research Symposium, Sydney.

Velikova G. 13th September 2019. Historical overview of the increasing use of Patient Reported Outcomes in cancer care. The Patient Reported Outcomes in Clinical Settings Conference, Texas MD Anderson Cancer Centre, Houston Texas

Velikova G. 20th June 2019. Engaging and supporting patients in monitoring side effects during and after pelvic radiotherapy – an RCT of eRAPID intervention. The Clinical and Translational Radiotherapy Research Working Group meeting, London.

Velikova G. 16th May 2019. Breast cancer state of the art in PRO. In: 5th QoL Cancer Clinical Trials Conference, Brussels.

Warrington L., Absolom K., Holmes M., Clayton B., Rogers Z., Dickinson S., Gibson A., Conner M., Kellar I. and Velikova G. March 2019. “You know it’s not just a waste of time, somebody’s looking at it”. Patient engagement with online symptom reports during chemotherapy (eRAPID)—The importance of clinician use of data. In: The British Psychosocial Oncology Society Chester. Psycho-Oncology, 28, S2, pp.1-31.


Absolom K, Velikova G and Gibson A (June 2018) Engaging patients and clinicians in online reporting of adverse effects during chemotherapy for cancer. The eRAPID system. In PRO-decision conference Baltimore.

Avery, KNL, Richards, H, Portal, A, Reed, T, Harding, R, Carter, R, Absolom, K, Velikova, G & Blazeby, JM. (June 2018) Feasibility of digital self-report PRO data for monitoring adverse events after discharge following major abdominal cancer surgery: the eRAPID study. In PROMS conference, Birmingham.

Boele F. (October 2018). Interventions to help support caregivers of people with a brain or spinal cord tumour – a Cochrane systematic review. Conference of the European Association of Neuro-Oncology, Stockholm, Sweden.

Boele F. Family caregiving in neuro-oncology: state of the research. Oral presentation and session chair at the Brain Tumour Summit organised by Brainstrust and Beatson, Glasgow (UK), 21 May 2018.

Boele F. Neurocognitive screening and management. Oral presentation during the Nursing Perspective session at the European Association for Neuro-Oncology conference, Stockholm, Sweden, 11-14 October 2018.

Holch P (December 2018). eRAPID: Electronic self-report and management of adverse-events for patients undergoing radical radiotherapy (RT) treatments. National PROMs Summit 2018, London.

Nicklin E, Velikova G, Hulme C & Boele F (October 2018). Childhood brain tumour survivors – issues and needs in adolescence and young adulthood. Conference of the European Association of Neuro-Oncology, Stockholm, Sweden.

Pompili C. et al. Baseline Quality of Life is Influenced by the Duration of Abstinence from Smoking in Candidates to Lung Cancer Surgery. 19th World Conference on Lung Cancer, 23-26 September 2018, Toronto, Canada

Pompili C et al. Post Resection Lung Cancer Surveillance: Comparisons of Practice Between STS, ESTS and JACS Members. 19th World Conference on Lung Cancer, 23-26 September 2018, Toronto, Canada.

Pompili C, Holch P, Smyllie E, Mazhar H, Absolom K, Franks K, Velikova G. 2018. The role of sociodemographic factors in determining the uptake of electronic PROM completion in lung cancer patients: early indicators from the Life after lung cancer (LILAC) study- Proceedings: QUALITY OF LIFE RESEARCH 27, pp. S83-S84.

C.Pompili; Title: LILAC Study. 16th Annual British Thoracic Oncology Group Conference 2018 24th-26th January 2018

Richards, H, Avery, KNL, Portal, A, Reed, T, Harding, R, Carter, R, Absolom, K, Velikova, G & Blazeby, JM. (June 2018) Digital PRO data collection is a beneficial adjunct to patient self. In PROMS conference, Birmingham. Quality of Life Research, S84-S84.

Velikova G. (November 2018). Web-based system to monitor cancer patients’ physical symptoms during active treatment. International Head & Neck QoL Conference, Leeds.

Velikova G (November 2018). The role of Patient Reported Outcomes (PROs) and Quality of Life Measures in trials and clinical practice. Partnership in Clinical Trials Conference, Barcelona.

Velikova G (September 2018). eRAPID RCT of online monitoring toxicity during chemotherapy. EORTC QoL Group Meeting, Croatia.

Velikova G, Absolom K, Pini S, Holch T, Warrington L, Holmes M, Gibson A, Rogers Z, Dickinson S, Carter R, Clayton B, Davidson S, Routledge J, Franks K, Henry A (June 2018) eRAPID: electronic patient self-Reporting of Adverse-events: Patient Information and aDvice. Patient recruitment and retention in pilot and randomised studies in oncology. In PROMS conference, Birmingham.

Velikova G (June 2018). eRAPID system in England Integrating Patient Reported Outcome with the Electronic Health Records. In ASCO conference, Chicago.

Velikova G (February 2018). Patient self-reporting of adverse events- update on international developments and local trials. In Bexley Wing Educational Session, Leeds.

Velikova G (January 2018). eRAPID: Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMS) in oncology practice. In Yorkshire Cancer Research Bowel Cancer Improvement program and North of England Colorectal Cancer Trials meeting, Leeds.

Zamanipoor Najafabadi AH, van der Meer PB, Boele FW ,Reijneveld JC, Taphoorn MJB, Klein M, van Furth WR, Dirven L &Peerdeman SM, on behalf of the Netherlands Meningioma Research Group (October 2018). The long-term disease burden of meningioma patients: results on health-related quality of life,cognitive function, anxiety and depression. Conference of the European Association of Neuro-Oncology, Stockholm, Sweden.

Zamanipoor Najafabadi AH, van der Meer PB, Boele FW ,Reijneveld JC, Taphoorn MJB, Klein M, van Furth WR, Dirven L &Peerdeman SM, on behalf of the Netherlands Meningioma Research Group (November 2018). The long-term disease burden of meningioma patients: results on health-related quality of life, cognitive function, anxiety and depression. Conference of the Society for Neuro-Oncology, New Orleans, United States.


Boele FW, Terhorst L, Prince J, Donovan HS, Weimer J, Lieberman FS, Drappatz J & Sherwood PR (June 2017). Psychometric evaluation of the Caregiver Needs Screen in neuro-oncology family caregivers. British Neuro-Oncology Society conference, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

Boele FW, van Uden-Kraan CF, Hilverda K, Weimer J, Donovan HS, Drappatz J, Lieberman FS, Verdonck-de Leeuw I & Sherwood PR (June 2017). Neuro-oncology family caregivers’ view on keeping track of care issues using eHealth systems: it’s a question of time. British Neuro-Oncology Society conference, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

Boele FW. 23rd November 2017. Fatigue after brain tumour treatment. The Radiotherapy Beatson Brain Bootcamp. Glasgow.

Boele FW. Support for family caregivers. Oral presentation during carer’s panel session at the YCR Life withCancer event, Harrogate (UK), 16 November 2017.

Gibson A, Holch P, Carter R, Clayton B, Dickinson S, Davidson S, Routledge J, Glennon J, Henry A, Franks K , Velikova G.(16th March 2017) Development of online patient advice for the self-management of low-level radiotherapy and chemotherapy related toxicities (eRAPID): Involvement of patients and staff. In The British Psychosocial Oncology Society’s (BPOS) Annual Conference. Vol. 26 (suppl 2.). Pp 10-28. Oxford: Psycho-oncology.

Holch P (May 2017). eRAPID: Feasibility of completion during and 6 months post treatment International. In ESTRO 36 Pre Meeting Clinical, Vienna.

Holch P (May 2017) Standard of PROM reporting in trials. In ESTRO 36 Pre Meeting Clinical, Vienna.

Pompili C. Risk adjusted comparison of performance between three academic thoracic surgery units using the Eurolung risk models. 25th European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery. 28-31 May, 2017 Innsbruck, Austria.

Velikova G (April 2017) A broader perspective on Patient Reported Outcomes from the International Society for Quality of Life Research In 4th International Quality of Life Conference, Brussels.

Velikova G (March 2017).Using patient reported outcome measures to improve cancer care in Europe. In Cancer PRO Conference, Calgary.

Velikova G (December 2017). New approaches, new practices – PROs programs: definition and development. In TAO Congress, Cancer Toxicity Management meeting, Paris.

Velikova G (November 2017) How To Integrate Patient Reported Outcome Tools In The Everyday Gynecological Cancer Clinic. In ESGO conference, Vienna.

Velikova G (November 2017) Web-based system to monitor cancer patients’ physical symptoms during active treatment-engaging patients and clinicians. In NCRI conference, Liverpool

Velikova G (November 2017). Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMS) in oncology practice. In Life with and Beyond Cancer Conference, Morecambe.

Velikova G (September 2017) Improving Health-Related Quality of Life in Metastatic Breast Cancer. In EORTC Meeting, Kiel.

Velikova G (June 2017) Using Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) in cancer care. In 2nd Annual UK & Ireland PROMs Research Conference, Oxford.

Velikova G (March 2017). Patient Reported Outcomes Measures (PROMs) in NHS cancer practice.  In Routine NHS datasets in applied health research workshop, Leeds.


Absolom K and Kennedy F. (December 2016) Using patient reported data in clinical practice and clinical trials: An update on the eRAPID and REPORT-UK studies. In Leeds Institute for Cancer and Pathology Seminar, Leeds.

Absolom K Warrington L., Gibson A., Holmes M., Rogers Z., Holch P., Clayton B. & Velikova G. (October 2016) eRAPID: Electronic patient self-Reporting of Adverse-events: Patient Information and aDvice A Randomised controlled trial in systemic cancer treatment. In 18th International Psycho Oncology Society Congress (IPOS) Conference, Dublin.

Boele FW, Given CW, Given BA, Donovan HS, Schulz R, Weimer J, Drappatz J, Lieberman FS & Sherwood PR (October 2016). Mental health of family caregivers predicts survival of glioblastoma patients. Conference of the European Association of Neuro-Oncology, Mannheim, Germany.

Boele FW. Update on the fatigue study. Neuro-oncology caregiver needs. Oral presentation at the British Neuro-Oncology Societyconference, Leeds (UK), 30 June 2016.

Boele FW. Oral presentation at the Scottish Adult Neuro-Oncology Network‘Meeting Caregiver Needs’ day, Larbert (UK), 13 May 2016.

Cao X, Boele F & Sherwood P (April 2016). The impact of sleep on neuro-oncology caregivers’ mental and physical health overtime. Eastern Nursing Research Society (ENRS) 28th Annual Scientific Sessions, Pittsburgh, United States.

Holch P, Davidson S, Routledge J, Henry A, Franks K, Gilbert A, Absolom K, Velikova G (June 2016) eRAPID: Electronic self- report and management of adverse-events for pelvic radiotherapy (RT) patients. In the PROMS conference, Sheffield.

Pompili C et al. Poor preoperative patient-reported quality of life is associated with complications following pulmonary lobectomy for lung cancer. 24th European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery, 29 May-1 June 2016, Naples, Italy.

Pompili C et al. “A Risk Score To Predict the Incidence of Prolonged Air Leak after Videoassisted Thoracoscopic Lobectomy: A European Multicenter Analysis”. American Association for Thoracic Surgery 96th Annual Meeting in Baltimore, MD. May 14-18 2016.

Velikova G. (November 2016) Utilising Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMS) in clinical trials and oncology practice. An update on the eRAPID and REPORT-UK studies. In Bexley Wing Educational Sessions, Leeds.

Velikova G (November 2016). Electronic patient reported outcomes assessment of chemotherapy and radiotherapy” In RAD51 Scientific Meeting, Leeds.

Velikova G. (November 2016) Web-based electronic system for collecting patient-reported data in oncology practice and clinical trials. Centre for Patient Reported Outcome Research (CPROR) Launch, Birmingham.

Velikova G and Gilbert A (October 2016), Monitoring of symptoms, toxicity and functioning using PROMs: online toxicity reporting during treatment; models for remote follow-up using PROMs. In Patient Centred and Integrated Cancer Care Workshop for the Associate of Physicians, Manchester.

Velikova G (October 2016) Engaging clinician in care pathways that include online patient self-reports. In Fourth Psycho-oncology Research conference, Melbourne.

Velikova G (October 2016) Integrated care pathways for cancer survivors. A role for patient-reported outcome measures and health informatics. In The Victorian Comprehensive Cancer Centre Survivorship Conference, Melbourne.

Velikova G (October 2016) Web-based system to monitor cancer patient physical symptoms and psychosocial problems in routine clinical practice. In The Fourth Psycho-oncology Research conference, Melbourne.


Boele FW. Supportive care interventions in glioma patients and caregivers:experiences from the Brain Tumor Center Amsterdam. Oral presentation for the Cancer Survivorship Series, Pittsburgh(US), 21 September 2015.

Holch P, Davidson S, Routledge J, Henry A, Franks K, Gilbert A, Bamforth L, Absolom K, Velikova G (April 2015) eRAPID: Electronic self-report and management of adverse-events for radical prostate radiotherapy (RT) patients. In 3rd ESTRO Forum Vol. 115. p S202. Barcelona: Radiotherapy and Oncology

Pompili C. Quality of Life Trajectory during Surgical Treatment for NSCLC: Preliminary Analysis on Baseline Evaluation on 108 patients. ISOQOL 22nd Annual Conference. Vancouver, Canada October 21-24 2015.

Pompili C. Regulated drainage reduces the incidence of recurrence after uniportal VATS bullectomy for PSP: a propensity case matched comparison versus unregulated drainage. 23th Annual Conference on General Thoracic Surgery Lisbon 30 May- 3 June 2015.

Pompili C. Recurrent air leak early after pulmonary lobectomy: an analysis based on an electronic airflow evaluation. 23th Annual Conference on General Thoracic Surgery Lisbon 30 May- 3 June 2015

Warrington L, Absolom K, Holch P, Gibson A, Horne B, Carter R, Bamforth L, Velikova G. (June 2015) Usability study of eRAPID: an online system for cancer patients to report symptoms and side-effects during treatment. In Faculty of Medicine and Health Postgraduate Conference. Leeds


Gibson A, McAnena S, Beirne D. (2014) Delivering biological agents within clinical trials: Challenges and worked solutions. In The 10th Annual Conference of the UK Clinical Research Facilities. Sheffield.


Holch, P, Warrington, L & Velikova, G. Can patients self-report adverse events and toxicity during cancer treatment? A cognitive interview study of patient reported toxicity items. Research in progress seminar Institute of Molecular Medicine: University of Leeds February

Pompili C. Patient satisfaction with care is not affected by longer hospital stay and complications after lung resection: a case matched analysis. 22nd Annual Conference on General Thoracic Surgery, Copenhagen, Denmark. 15-18 June 2014.


Holch, P. & Velikova, G. Bridging the gap: Development of guidelines for oncologists to manage emotional distress in cancer patients. Compass Collaborative final annual scientific meeting: Edinburgh April.

Holch, P. Do antidepressants have a place in the management of emotional distress in cancer patients? Views of oncology professionals. Research in progress seminar Institute of Molecular Medicine: University of Leeds June

Pompili C.Impact of the learning curve in the use of a novel electronic chest drainage system after pulmonary lobectomy: a case matched analysis on the duration of chest tubes. 19th European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery, Marseilles, France, 5-8 June 2011

Pompili C.The impact of perceived patient satisfaction: a comparative analysis between two thoracic surgical centers. 19th European Conference on General Thoracic Surgery, Marseilles, France, 5-8 June 2011

Pompili C. Proposal for a new quality of life module for candidates to pulmonary resection for cancer. EORTC Quality of Life Group, Winter Meeting, Brussels, Belgium, 1 March 2011.